Today is not Mothers' Day. It is not Women's Day. It is not any specific day. But, I just want to share this with you all. I am fortunate to meet, talk and coach almost 40+ people every week, of ages 5 to 80. Since I'm specialized in Pregnancy Yoga, half of them are Moms-to-be. So far, I've been fortunate to guide more than hundred Moms-to-be. I meet them, talk to them, feel their concerns, their emotions and the incredible journey every one of those women go through to bring a precious new life into this world. From outside, everything may look SO fancy, so beautiful, so effortless, so taken-for-granted! But, I hear stories - which touch my soul. Here, I'm sharing a few...
One of them started attending my sessions the day she completed her 26th week. When I asked why she waited so long, she replied "I lost my first baby at 26th week. It was a relatively healthy pregnancy. I was anxiously waiting for today. My baby is still alive. His heart is beating..." The emotions on her face was of pride, happiness, bliss, gratitude, sadness and so much more..
One of them started attending in her 19th week. I asked if it's her first pregnancy, she replied "Yes, this is my first and probably the last. I have been doing fertility treatments for the past 2 years. I still don't believe this. I hope I'll make it till the end..."
One of them has this very rare condition of a blood vessel missing in her umbilical cord which supplies all the nutrients to the fetus. She is always bubbly and happy trying to keep it positive and trying to believe that her baby will make it. Her mind was supplying the love and positivity to the baby till the last moment and she delivered a healthy, vibrant, full term baby, thanks to Almighty!
One of them had a growing fibroid in her uterus. The fibroid also grew along with the baby, compressing the placenta and leaving less room for the baby. She had excruciating pain along her whole side of the body which triggered frequent migraine and pain in the spine which triggered sciatica. She suffered a lot, but kept smiling and feeling divinely grateful in all my sessions. Took all the positive energy from each session. Doc had asked her to be prepared for an emergency preterm delivery at 32 weeks. She surprised me with how well she took the emotional empowerment sessions, went till full term and delivered a healthy baby, thanks to God!
One of them has polio in one of her legs. She got it when she was just 6 months old. That leg is a bit shorter and weaker. Supporting her body weight, standing, walking everything is a challenge for her. It is unbelievable for me to see her journey of pregnancy. She surprises me with her high spirit, trying to practice most of the Yoga stretches with the help of props and support and being a sweetheart to everybody in the class. She would always come before time and take one of the front row spots, and practice by creating a zen aura surrounding her. She is now 36 weeks; and considering the fact that a woman gains 25 to 35 pounds during her pregnancy, I still don't know how she does this. Mother Nature! She is rocking it (thankfully) and preparing herself for a normal childbirth itself...
Another one of them is 40 years old and is very anxious about if she can do this; in her language, "if I'll make it till the end". I took the freedom of a sister and counselled her over a long conversation even before she joined my sessions. She is suffering from very bad situation of varicose veins. Tried to conceive for the past 10 years without any result. Above all, she was really concerned about her age and how the pregnancy will progress. She is now regularly coming for the sessions and I see her facial expressions are far more pleasant and grateful these days than the first day I met her. In her language "I feel warm and happy after meeting other Moms-to-be and after practicing Yoga, my mind is at a better place. You are always in my prayers".
Another one feels very concerned that she is gaining a lot of weight. She looks perfect to me. I asked for the specifics of the weight gain and it is in perfectly normal limits. When I asked her why she feels so nervous about it, she says "It's not me. My husband thinks I am getting fat"..
The stories go on and on.. many are working stressful corporate jobs, travelling or driving long distances everyday, mothering other small kid(s) etc. Many of them find the yoga sessions an opportunity to unwind, to borrow a pair of non-judgmental, listening ears. Even when a pregnancy proceeds "normal" to the onlookers, the physical, mental and emotional roller coaster ride a woman goes through is not very "normal" and is a very demanding journey. It is not easy and many times a woman is the epitome of patience and sacrifice and unconditional, pure love which a mother alone knows! A Mother's mind is the reflection of Mother Nature itself and her body is an inextricable expression of the Universe itself, carrying and nurturing a beautiful New Life... Thankfully, being a mother of two and currently an expecting mother, I should know!! Some of the good old Indian cultures used to respect an expecting woman by getting up (if you are seated) and generally treating her with lot of respect, considering her very divine...
To all the mothers and Moms-to-be that I know; not just humans, all the mothers in the Nature; I simply respect, admire and salute each one of you. For just being you, the most praised role in this universe, a Mother! Words are not enough to appreciate what you are doing.. I bow myself down in front of each one of you! To all the men who are reading this - I have only one thing to say - express your appreciation for her. Your mother, your sister, your wife, your adult daughter, your close female friend - tell her how much you value her. Yes, I mean it, express through words and actions. If your wife or sister or daughter or close friend is expecting, ask her how she is feeling, try to understand her unspoken words and emotions, be a support, never ever bring her down during this phase, and just BE there for her. This is the most sensitive stage of a woman's life (I am not saying it, World Health Organization says it!). So, if you were looking for that perfect opportunity to express your love and value for her, this is it, grab it before it's over soon before the blink of an eye.
Again, BE there for her! Peace to all...