Welcome![]() Hello and welcome to 'Fasinate Yoga'. This is a humble attempt to shed some light on Yoga, the glorious pathway to health, wellness and peace. Please be my guest to browse through and I hope you would learn something new about Yoga from here or remind yourself something you might already know. It might help clarify some of the questions you have in mind about Yoga; you may get inspired to start a new healthy way of life; or you might be able to appreciate the sheer beauty of our wonderful body and mind - whatever small you achieve by going through here, another ray of light would be added to my heart.
We will be updating the site often with new features and exciting and informative articles about Yoga, health and wellness. So, be sure to 'Sign Up' using the form on the right if you find this to your interest. Please leave a message in the Contact page if you like to share your thoughts. Your feedback, support and encouragement are more than welcome ! Namaste, - Fasila Now offering the following Sessions
Arambha (Adult Beginners) - Registration open for the 10th Batch - Summer 2024... Check Classes for details. Kids Yoga Foundation Program - 2023 Summer Batch ongoing. 2023 Fall Batch starts in Sep. Pre-registration Open. Limited slots available. Check Classes for details. Pregnancy / Prenatal Yoga - For our Moms-to-be. Check Pregnancy Yoga for details. Sarala (Easy Level Regular) - Check Classes for details. ![]() Proud Update!
Prenatal (Pregnancy Yoga) - We are chosen to implement Pregnancy Yoga to the JFK Medical Center (now known as Hackensack Meridian-JFK Health). This is a pioneer initiative from the Medical Giant to utilize the healing power of Yoga for the health and wellness of to-be-Moms in our community! Hackensack Meridian Health is the largest health network in New Jersey. We are excited and thankful for this great opportunity to guide the most precious population of our society - Mothers to a healthy, peaceful journey of pregnancy; a natural, conscious childbirth; and a smooth Postpartum recovery. Classes in Edison Starting April 2018, Thursdays 6.45 - 8.00 pm Call Fasinate Yoga at 732.857.0360 for more details. 📧Email: [email protected] Check Pregnancy Yoga for details/brochure.
Post Natal Yoga (For Moms until 3 years from childbirth) - Ongoing... Please contact for details.
Kids Yoga Foundation Program - Next Batch begins on July 11th 2023. Check Classes for details. Click or Call to pre-register for any session. Thank you ! This is how we do it ! Our Mission is to go BACK to the true essence of Yogic teachings. We teach NOT just a Yoga practice, but a Yoga experience, a Yoga way of living and a Yoga state which helps you to live a fuller life. With that mission in mind and thankfully with the backing of our credentials, we have carefully designed a 10 sessions Course called Arambha (Meaning 'Beginning') - this is for anybody new to Yoga/have some Yoga exposure long back and would like to start over/regular Yoga practitioner wishing to make your basics strong. After Arambha, we provide different levels of Regular practice to suit your individual needs. We offer specialty sessions like Pregnancy Yoga, Post Natal Yoga and Kids Yoga. We are very happy to announce the successful completion of our Nineth Batch of Arambha. Every participant truly cherished the course and they inspire us everyday with their honest feedbacks, which motivate us to keep improving! Kids: It gives us immense gratitude and pure ananda to guide our future generation to this noble path of a Yogic lifestyle. Guiding our Moms-to-be through a smooth journey of childbirth and beyond is one of our Dharmas. Providing therapeutic Yoga for the well-being of anybody is our calling. Registration is now open for our 10th Batch of Arambha (Adult Beginners) which starts October 2024. Click or Call to Register. Only limited slots available. |
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