You see new Moms, you see sweet l'il babies. What you don't see is the indescribably difficult phase that the mother has to go through post-delivery for a while. Personally taking every step to make that phase as effortless and pleasant as possible, I would like to share a few points here. This is for both men and women since we all co-exist. Writing this on day#6 postpartum seeing some of the questions from fellow moms...
The first and foremost point for a faster recovery is to have a positive state of mind. I know it is easier said than done. How can you be positive when you have excruciating pain in all the most sensitive areas of your body, you are sleep deprived, your whole schedule is out of whack and your emotions are up on a roller coaster? It IS possible ! By filling yourself with a lot of gratitude, love, sense of new-filled pride of being a mother, sense of humility for being chosen for the divine art of Creation...
Second most important point is to NOT judge your body post-delivery. Your body just did the most amazing and incredible job of creating a human being from a single cell!! Give your body a break! Give your body some pure respect. It took 9-10 months for your body to do all the hard work required to provide the safe and nutritious haven to support and grow that life inside of you. Do not expect your body and mind to bounce back in a few days or weeks. It takes time. Respect that process of nature and trust me, with some focused effort from our side, we can definitely bounce back to a fitter body and relaxed state of mind. I do not like the term "pre-pregnancy body" just because it sounds hypocritical to me. The very same belly you used to adore watching grow with every week of pregnancy, suddenly should not be looked down upon or frowned upon right after the birth of your baby. Look at it with an elevated sense of respect because of the absolutely amazing job that it did. Just do NOT judge any area of your body or being post-delivery. With time, love and effort, you will definitely bounce back. This is also very important for the partner/family/friends. Even for the sake of cracking a joke, do not pass negative comments about a new Mom's body or state of mind. She needs all kinds of support more than ever in this phase.
Thirdly, understand that a woman's body, mind, spirit and emotions are anatomically, physiologically, emotionally, spiritually built to bounce back to a healthier, fitter, happier, more positive person after the process of childbirth. I repeat, have that pure FAITH in yourself. That faith will give you the energy to stay focused and aware of this phase. You will be able to draw energy from that faith to engage in focused activities including focused breathing, physical exercises and so many practices that Yoga provides to make this Postpartum recovery of your body, mind and spirit a smoother, mindful and positive journey. Hopefully, I will share with you later on the magic of Post-Natal Yoga.
PS: Practice of Pre-Natal Yoga throughout pregnancy helps a lot for a faster postpartum recovery phase in every aspect of it - simply because the difficulty of labor, delivery and postpartum recovery generally depends on how active you have been throughout your pregnancy (Please understand that there are always exceptions to these statements due to individual medical conditions/other scenarios).
The first and foremost point for a faster recovery is to have a positive state of mind. I know it is easier said than done. How can you be positive when you have excruciating pain in all the most sensitive areas of your body, you are sleep deprived, your whole schedule is out of whack and your emotions are up on a roller coaster? It IS possible ! By filling yourself with a lot of gratitude, love, sense of new-filled pride of being a mother, sense of humility for being chosen for the divine art of Creation...
Second most important point is to NOT judge your body post-delivery. Your body just did the most amazing and incredible job of creating a human being from a single cell!! Give your body a break! Give your body some pure respect. It took 9-10 months for your body to do all the hard work required to provide the safe and nutritious haven to support and grow that life inside of you. Do not expect your body and mind to bounce back in a few days or weeks. It takes time. Respect that process of nature and trust me, with some focused effort from our side, we can definitely bounce back to a fitter body and relaxed state of mind. I do not like the term "pre-pregnancy body" just because it sounds hypocritical to me. The very same belly you used to adore watching grow with every week of pregnancy, suddenly should not be looked down upon or frowned upon right after the birth of your baby. Look at it with an elevated sense of respect because of the absolutely amazing job that it did. Just do NOT judge any area of your body or being post-delivery. With time, love and effort, you will definitely bounce back. This is also very important for the partner/family/friends. Even for the sake of cracking a joke, do not pass negative comments about a new Mom's body or state of mind. She needs all kinds of support more than ever in this phase.
Thirdly, understand that a woman's body, mind, spirit and emotions are anatomically, physiologically, emotionally, spiritually built to bounce back to a healthier, fitter, happier, more positive person after the process of childbirth. I repeat, have that pure FAITH in yourself. That faith will give you the energy to stay focused and aware of this phase. You will be able to draw energy from that faith to engage in focused activities including focused breathing, physical exercises and so many practices that Yoga provides to make this Postpartum recovery of your body, mind and spirit a smoother, mindful and positive journey. Hopefully, I will share with you later on the magic of Post-Natal Yoga.
PS: Practice of Pre-Natal Yoga throughout pregnancy helps a lot for a faster postpartum recovery phase in every aspect of it - simply because the difficulty of labor, delivery and postpartum recovery generally depends on how active you have been throughout your pregnancy (Please understand that there are always exceptions to these statements due to individual medical conditions/other scenarios).